Training and Development


MindFlame offers high-impact, evidence-based Training, Facilitation, Coaching and Mentoring for Organisations, Leaders, Groups and Teams.


Specialising in personal, professional and leadership learning, growth and development and passionate about helping people to truly flourish and thrive.

MindFlame aims to bring you new insights and perspectives in the areas of leadership, wellbeing, careers, work, relationships, mindset and mind-body health.

All training and facilitation is designed to be practical, pragmatic and inspiring.

Blending key insights from mindset, career development, systems-thinking, psychology, neuroscience, behavioural science and NLP, along with pioneering and transformative leadership, business and relationship theories and practice, and the latest wellbeing and resilience research. Offering expert education and support to develop awareness, get clarity on challenges and issues, establish goals, purpose and direction and define a clear action plan.

Designed to equip you with the resources and capability required to create personal and professional growth and lasting transformation for you, your employees and your organisation.

Example clip from recent online client webinar delivered to an international group of ICAEW members on Exploring Mindset to Achieve Potential:


Support for you, your team or organisation to:

 Gain clarity about you want, what's working well and what needs to improve.
  Enable you to develop insight and increased self-awareness.
Feel empowered to adopt new perspectives and behaviours to create lasting and transformative change.
  Build greater courage, capability and resilience in your work and life.
 Unleash potential and help your people to be the best, truest version of themselves.
 Have fun and make the process of learning and change as interesting and enjoyable as possible.
 Help people feel optimistic and empowered and inspire them into action.
 Learn how to create fulfilment from within - to provide a healthy and strong foundation for life and work.
 Help you, your team or your organisation to step up, truly thrive and shine.

Selected Courses

Career Success Mastery

How to effectively plan, manage & develop your career. Identify and harness your values and strengths and find greater meaning & purpose

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Boost Your Resilience

Develop resilience, reduce stress and successfully manage change and challenges - move from surviving to thriving in life, work and business

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Mindset Mastery

How to develop and maintain a growth and resilience mindset and cultivate an optimal state of mind for success, productivity and performance

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Developing Confidence

Learn what creates confidence and how to overcome anxiety and fears to become the person you're meant to be and enjoy what you do!

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Emotional Intelligence

Cultivate and expand your emotional intelligence to improve relationships and achieve greater satisfaction and success in life and at work

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Transformational Leadership

Become an authentic and inspiring leader. Develop the mindset & practices required to have impact, influence and achieve your goals

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Some of our most popular Masterclasses, Training and Workshops:

♦  Resilience and leadership
♦  Balance not burnout - how to manage and reduce stress and optimise wellbeing
♦  Double your productivity to work less and achieve more
♦  Mastering focus and flow in a busy and distracted world
♦  Managing personal, professional and career transitions
♦  Confidence for success
♦  Change agility
♦  Presence and leadership for high-performing women
♦  Leading with impact - learn the keys to developing courage, confidence and authenticity as a leader

Bespoke training and delivery, designed to support each individual or group to achieve their objectives and goals.


~ MindFlame's training courses are designed to suit a mixture of learning styles. The key aim is to develop insight and understanding amongst participants and aim to make the process of learning as interesting, engaging and enjoyable as possible - as well as designing the content to be relevant and useful and ensuring that it meets each client's needs.

~ Each workshop or course contains a mixture of practical exercises, combined with interactive learning, teaching and training and exploring how the material can be applied back into real life and work in a way that adds tangible benefits.

~ If required, follow-up coaching can further embed the learning at an individual, team or organisational level to support and encourage ongoing development and progress.

Would you like to discuss your specific requirements and training needs?

LET'S CHAT, we would love to explore how we can partner with you!

What our clients are saying...

Testimonials from workshops and courses designed and delivered by Rosemary on behalf of:

The University of Bristol (to staff, students and graduates)
Bristol City Council (Professional and Executive Job Seekers)
The Institute of Physics
Lloyds Banking Group
London Alumni Group (professionals and alumni)
ICAEW - Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)
Careercake (Global online careers platform)

"Rosemary delivers high quality training and has a passion and
enthusiasm for her subject that really engages delegates. She puts in a high level of effort to make her training valuable and informative and will go to extra lengths to provide coaching clients with the support they need."
Laura Little, Learning and Development Manager, CABA, supporting ICAEW firms and members from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

"Rosemary was absolutely fantastic with the level of detail of all lectures and constant use of anecdotes.  Thank you so much for this life-changing course!"

"Useful content, various concepts covered, gained new and interesting insights. Enjoyed group discussions, sharing experiences with colleagues and high-quality handout materials. Engaging and knowledgeable facilitator who created trustful and welcoming environment."  Stress Management and Resilience Training for global senior leadership team

"Fantastic course, found it very useful and helpful! Really clearly explained the concepts of what mindsets are and how they can help or harm us. Loved that Rosemary used plenty of real life examples and gives loads of practical advice and exercises that I'm definitely going to implement. Highly recommend this. It's helped me get a much better understanding of how to uplevel my mindset to create genuine success and really improve my results"

"Rosemary was positive, supportive and clearly demonstrates expertise and was very generous in terms of imparting her knowledge and experience to the group"

"Very insightful. Rosemary has excellent knowledge and experience. Superb!"

"Friendly, accessible, welcoming and often fun.  Communication was clear and objective and the breadth and depth of material was very positive.  Questions were well received and answered and having 1:1 access was particularly helpful and constructive and I was able to benefit from Rosemary's advice and wisdom.  The whole course was very interesting and illuminating"

"I really enjoyed this presentation, Rosemary has a knack for presenting in a fresh and genuine way using relatable examples"

"The workshop was excellent and very well presented with all the material and presentations varied and interesting. Rosemary speaks with knowledge and experience and warmth, bringing the course to life, making the whole experience valuable and useful"

"Rosemary has a lot of expertise and presented the course effectively and efficiently with some humour and the course was very enjoyable.  The self-reflection exercises were an amazing tool and provided me with powerful insights"

"This course really increased my understanding of how my pattern of thinking and perception adopted as a child directly affects so many aspects of my life. As importantly, Rosemary shares practical tools and techniques for how to turn them around in a way to create desired outcomes, both personally and professionally. I see how I developed some emotional and behavioral responses to people and life in general, and what my unconscious expectations are which cause limitations in my life [as we all have], especially in my career but also in my personal life.

The world focuses so much emphasis on outer achievement and success, but when your thoughts, feelings and expectations are not always serving you well, your accomplishments can be unknowingly blocked. The information in this course is profound, inspiring and very unique. I'm now motivated to reach my highest potential and Rosemary has helped me to gain the insights, understanding and mindset shifts to create meaningful and sustainable success!"

"I was hoping that the course would provide me with practical advice and know-how and it did exactly what it said on the tin and was geared towards my situation as a Professional looking for employment.  Excellent delivery and highly recommended."

"Rosemary's advice on CVs, career anchors, self-reflection and interviews was extremely good and useful.  It was in-depth and practical, interactive and inclusive.  We were all invited to express feelings and contribute to discussions.  A heart-felt congratulations and thank you."

"Thanks so much for such an inspirational course."



Contact us to discuss how we can support your Training and Development needs