
Career and Purpose

    Draw Your Future - Take Control of Your Life TED talk by Patti Dobrowolski           

  Start With Why? - TED talk by Simon Sinek

  Answering The Question 'What Do You Do?' by Simon Sinek
  The Celery Test:  Put Your Why Into Action by Simon Sinek

Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off TED Talk
- great discussion about benefits of a sabbatical to re-ignite creativity and a useful distinction between a job, career and calling

VIA Character Strengths Survey (FREE) - Take the VIA Character Strengths Survey, a scientifically designed tool to help you discover what your top character strengths are. You can use your top character strengths to help you achieve optimal outcomes in your personal and professional life, including your purpose and career.

Free Work + Meaning Inventory - A free test by 'The Laboratory for the Study of Meaning and Quality of Life' to assess meaningful work and greater satisfaction and performance for individuals and organisations.

How Strong Is Your Brand? - Quiz  Free quiz designed to assess the strength of your personal brand by leading branding expert William Arruda

The Crossroads of Should and Must - inspiring article by Elle Luna about pursuing your passion and purpose

Mindset and State of Mind

The Power of Believing That You Can Improve (The Power of 'Not Yet') TED talk by Professor Carol Dweck



Dr Alia Crum TED talk on 'Change Your Mindset, Change The Game'. Dr Crum is a professor, psychologist and researcher investigating how mindsets affect health and behaviour. She explores the influence of subjective mindsets on the body, including the placebo effect and how this can produce different outcomes in your health and life.

Jim Carrey talking about his personal 'awakening' to the reality and nature of thought and thinking


Amy Cuddy's TED talk on 'Presence' - where she demonstrates effective techniques to improve confidence and performance using posture and body language


Short Mindset Quiz to test whether you have a fixed or growth mindset (devised by Carol Dweck, leading mindset expert)

Productivity and Performance

Jason Fried's TED talk 'Why Work Doesn't Happen at Work' - offering a provocative and insightful perspective on why traditional office and working environments can be unproductive and suggestions for shifting the manager mindset and creating working environments that actually work and achieve increased productivity


  'Deep Work' by Cal Newport - Brian Johnson Review

  How to 'NOT' set goals (why SMART goals are lame) by Brendon Burchard

 Dan Pink's TED talk on 'The Puzzle of Motivation'. Great insights into why the traditional extrinsic motivations such as incentives and 'carrot and stick' type rewards and punishment can narrow thinking and why 'Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose' are the new guiding principles for modern business.

Test your IQ (Influence Quotient)
- take this short quiz by Robert Cialdini, world-leading expert on Influence and Persuasion, to help you understand your ability to recognise and use influence and persuasion techniques.

Happiness and Wellbeing

Shawn Achor's inspiring and humorous TED talk 'The Happy Secret to Better Work" where he talks about reversing the formulas for success and happiness in life and at work and practical ways to achieve this


  Brene Brown TED Talk on The Power of Vulnerability

  Brene Brown Video on Empathy

  Brene Brown Video on Blame


Dr Kristin Neff - The Three Components of Self-Compassion - Very good short video detailing how we can be kinder and more self-compassionate and why this is so essential for our health and wellbeing

Dr Kristin Neff - Self Compassion Expert - Videos on Self-Compassion, Self-Kindness and Self-Acceptance

The 6 Steps of Inner Bonding - Highly Effective Process for Self-Healing Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, Relationships

The Year of Happy - The Positive Psychlopedia - the latest on the Science of Happiness

Authentic Happiness - Free Surveys offered by The University of Pennysylvania (Experts in Positive Psychology, Wellbeing, Happiness and Thriving)  Surveys areas range from Strengths, Meaning, Work-Life Satisfaction, Happiness and there's even a free 'Grit' Survey to measure your levels of persistence and determination!

Positivity Ratio Test - Take this free 2 minute online quiz to test your positivity levels, devised by world- renowned happiness and wellbeing researcher Dr. Barbara Fredrickson

School of Life Videos - Excellent informative and entertaining series of videos on a whole range of topics - covering everything from Relationships, Self, Work and Career, through to Philosophy and Emotional Intelligence

Martin Seligman - Founder of Positive Psychology talks about his PERMA model of wellbeing (PERMA stands for Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Achievement)

Relationships and Communication

  Power of Connection TED Talk by Hedy Schliefer

Imago - Transformational Relationship Therapy

Inner Bonding Process for Relationships

Radical Forgiveness Process for Finding Peace, Love and Acceptance with an 'emotionally charged' relationship or situation

Radical Forgiveness Worksheet and Radical Acceptance Worksheet (free resource)

Originals Test - Are you a giver, a taker or a matcher? Find out by taking the free 5 minute Originals Test - by Adam Grant, Wharton Professor and leading writer and thinker on management, work and psychology


Esther Perel TED talk: The Secret to Desire in Long-Term Relationships