Developing and Maintaining a Growth Mindset (One Day Course)
- Come and join us for this informative and interactive course to learn more about the fascinating subject of 'mindset' - and how the beliefs and attitudes that you hold about yourself will determine how you progress through life and the outcomes that you're able to achieve.
- The foundations of this programme are based on the robust research findings of Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford University, whose book 'Mindset' demonstrates how mindset impacts everything in life - from parenting and relationships to professional and personal success.
- During the course, we will outline and explore Dweck's findings and review how these can be beneficial in your own life and work. We will also cover other mindset-related teachings and exercises that complement and add further depth and insight to this work. This makes for a stimulating and engaging day which will allow you to take back what you have learnt and apply this and learn how to get your mindset working for you to get the results that you want in life.
In this course you'll learn:
- Identify the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset
- Assess your own mindset and how this may vary across different areas of your life
- How to develop a positive, flexible attitude which is the basis of a growth mindset
- The benefits of cultivating a growth mindset and how this can improve productivity and performance, plus increase your levels of resilience and wellbeing
- Developing 'grit', perseverance and persistence to sustain you when the going gets tough
- Learn how to recognise your 'fixed mindset voice' and how to work with and overcome this to create positive change
- Develop an action plan for moving forwards and creating more opportunities for growth and learning in your career and life.
Please note, this is an interactive course where there will be plenty of opportunity to share experiences with other participants. This enables you to gain insights from each other and helps to reinforce the learning. It's ideal for anyone interested in understanding how we can influence the psychology behind success. Participants do need to be prepared to engage in some self-analysis within a safe and supportive environment.