Successful virtual working from home (including homeschooling)

A huge proportion of the workforce here in the UK has shifted to working from home this week.  Plus if you’re a working parent, then the news that UK schools Continue Reading →

Which Way do You ‘Chunk’? – How the way we process information affects our relationships

A key aspect that can affect our communication within relationships is how we each evaluate and process information.  I realised this many years ago, when I trained as a Neuro Continue Reading →

Practising Gratitude and Overcoming Resistance


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Gratitude could be said to mean ‘great attitude’. Whereas gratefulness occurs in response to something, gratitude can be something that we consistently practice, rather than having to be in response Continue Reading →

Are You Living Your Purpose? (Part 1)


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There’s a common theme amongst many of my clients, whether that’s private coaching clients or the groups that I train, coach and mentor within organisations – and it’s that I Continue Reading →

Developing a Growth Mindset


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“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Albert Einstein. Our mindset comprises of the beliefs and attitudes through which Continue Reading →