Career Reinvention Resources

Values in Action Character Strengths Survey (free test of top character strengths)

Clifton Strengths Survey (paid test)

Sparktype quiz- to determine your primary, shadow and anti-sparktypes

Expand reference points and awareness by searching for free and paid MOOCs (massive online open-learning courses) in subjects of interest

Information interviewing - ask people who are working in areas of interest to share insights and advice with you about their career path - can ask in current organisation or areas that you would like to learn more about

Search for Volunteering opportunities - one way of gaining experience in a new field and exploring different areas of interest - is a good volunteering website in the UK

How to get a job you love - career change book by John Lees

The Squiggly Career - career planning book by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis

Personal branding for Brits - book by Jennifer Holloway