ILLUMINATE – 3-6 months coaching & mentoring package

3-6 months of powerful transformational coaching and mentoring to uplevel your inner and outer game, uncover and transcend your blindspots and optimise your strategies for success, wellbeing, fulfilment and thriving.

→ During our work together we'll aim to help you explore and understand the root causes behind the challenges and symptoms that you're experiencing in your life right now and also learn and apply powerful techniques and strategies to help you clarify and achieve your goals and create meaningful success on your terms.

I'll help you to uncover and resolve the root cause of your challenges such as procrastination, lack of willpower or confidence, self-doubt, self-judgement or self-sabotage - or maybe anxiety, feeling 'not enough', feeling flat, lacklustre and unmotivated or dealing with toxic relationships, to name a few.

→ Maybe you're trying to overcome a big setback, disappointment or failure, or you're facing a significant life or career transition and feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Or maybe you're feeling burnt out, overstretched and depleted and tired of trying to figure everything out on your own.  Rest assured, with my expert guidance, mentoring and coaching support, you don't have to go it 'alone' anymore!

→ I'll create a safe space for you to share what you're grappling with and use my expertise to quickly hone in on the real issues to get you the insights and support you need.  It's a collaborative partnership where I'll be in your corner, championing you and helping you see and overcome your blindspots, heal and resolve the core issues, find workable and pragmatic solutions and achieve powerful and transformational results.

→ My focus is mainly to help you resolve issues at source, rather than keeping you continually fire-fighting and my aim is to help you finally get off the hamster wheel and set your life up for flourishing and thriving, rather than surviving!

Typical benefits can include:

Clarity, Confidence and Mindset

 Greater clarity and a clear sense of purpose and direction

  Feel inspired, reach your full potential and able to use your strengths and talents in what you do

✓  Clear and resolve whatever has been keeping you stuck, stopped and limited

✓  Navigate change and transitions with greater confidence, ease and resilience

✓  Overcome imposter syndrome own and claim your true worth and value and expand your capacity for receiving

  Increase your influence, impact and emotional courage - to lead with authority, integrity and conviction

✓  Transcend self-doubt and self-judgement - so that self-trust, self-belief and self-confidence become your new best friends and allies!

Career, Productivity and Purpose

✓  Feel fulfilled in your work, successful in business and enjoying your career

✓  Create a strong personal brand and clear positioning of your skills, strengths and experience

✓  Develop a strategic plan to identify and map out desired outcomes for your career or business  

  Take aligned action and achieve your goals (at a personal, professional and organisational level)

✓  Gain improved focus and flow and increased  productivity and performance - stress less and achieve more

Wellbeing, Inner Peace and Presence

✓  Stop self-sacrifice and people-pleasing - develop healthy boundaries and establish clear expectations and agreements

✓  Enhance your wellbeing and create balance without burnout

✓ Experience greater levels of mental and emotional freedom, inner peace and contentment

✓ Create a strong inner foundation for living, loving and leading to create a fulfilling and satisfying life and career

✓  Feel more authentic - enjoy and experience real connections and communication with your partner, family, friends, colleagues, clients and wider community

Included in this package is...

✓   Self-discovery and self-reflection exercises to identify what's working well and what areas or issues you'd like to improve

✓   Personalised strengths inventory using Gallup Talent finder and VIA Strengths Survey to help you identify your unique combination of core strengths and 'sweetspot' where you'll be able to create the biggest impact, contribution and achieve a sense of personal meaning, satisfaction and fulfilment

✓   Expert profiling systems - I may also suggest the use of other profiling approaches that I'm trained in such as MBTI, Sparktypes, Enneagram and the Gene Keys, depending on individual client needs. These can help you explore your purpose and potential, as well as provide greater insight and clarity of how you are uniquely 'designed' and your optimum style of functioning and thriving - in life, career and in your relationships with other people. We can use insights gained to powerfully underpin the coaching journey.

✓   1 x 90 minute Discovery Session to uncover your current challenges, core needs and blindspots and explore the root cause of what's keeping you stuck, stopped and limited in your life, work and career

✓   8 x 75 minute Transformational Coaching and Mentoring Sessions using my signature transformational framework The MindFlame MethodTM to heal blocks, limits and negative beliefs and clear up any faulty inner programming and unresolved emotions that are continuing to cause issues, or sabotaging your success and preventing you from thriving. I will also provide practical and reflection exercises to complete between sessions to deepen the process and support the integration of the insights gained.

✓  "Integrate and implement" - Throughout the coaching and mentoring sessions there will be a key focus on practical application and integration to develop the strategies, habits, environment and behavioural changes needed to apply the learning and transformation into your life in the most powerful, pragmatic and sustainable way.

✓   Bespoke, tailored exercises, videos and reading to support coaching between sessions to accelerate and amplify your results and awareness

The ILLUMINATE package will provide my 1:1 focus on your challenges and issues and my bespoke, customised support, guidance and solutions to optimise your wellbeing and success.  I'll draw upon 30+ years of in-depth research, extensive training and substantial depth and breath of personal and professional experience (see my experience and credentials for further details). You'll benefit from the insights gained from my background helping thousands of clients resolve their challenges and achieve their goals and my own extensive lived experience of trialling and testing what truly works to create genuine and sustainable change and transformation. This underpins The MindFlame MethodTM and Neural ReimprintingTM, my signature transformational coaching and mentoring frameworks.

Feedback from happy clients

"Rosemary really knows her stuff and has so much life experience which is invaluable when you are working with her -  she offers insight, guidance, coaching and real expertise.  She can help you transform your career and your relationships and will encourage you to find more meaning, purpose and fulfilment in your life.  She 'meets' you wherever you are and sees and listens to what's going on and is great at helping you see your blind spots and make positive shifts. Very rewarding."
Caroline, Designer, California

"Many thanks for your time today and previously, I've always found our chats extremely useful thought-provoking and a great influence on the way I think and do things.  In particular I've appreciated advice based on your own experiences and your flexible approach: to someone brought up with perfectionism and to always avoid making mistakes that's been invaluable, to know I can try things that may not work and need modifying - many times.  It's also been very helpful to know you've been through some of the same circumstances so your tips seem even more valid.

Thank you so very much for all your inspirational help over the past few months, you've really made a big difference to my ability to deal with life! All best wishes and eternal gratitude...."
Jean, Accountant and Coaching Client

Next Steps

If you've decided this sounds exactly what you're looking for and feel ready to go ahead and book your package to start working with me - GREAT!  Well done for making this important decision to invest in yourself and get the coaching and mentoring support that you need to significantly transform and change your life.

If you are unsure which level of support you need and are interested in either the IGNITE, ILLUMINATE or MASTERY packages and / or would like to connect to establish if there's good rapport between us and explore if I am the right coach for you, then please schedule a free 30 minute clarity call with me.